
A Minneapolis/St. Paul Mesh Community.


What is MinneMesh?

MinneMesh is a group of computer scientists, programmers, and experimenters working on mesh network technology. We believe that mesh networks provide many advantages, including:

What is our vision?

We believe that decentralized technology will advance our communication infrastructure by an order of magnitude.

We hope to make mesh technology part of everyday life. Social networks, video streaming, education, science, and more all stand to gain from this technology.


We are currently hosting these services:

Please contact us if you would like to peer or experiment with our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get involved?
We are actively looking for more members. The best way to get involved is to let us know that you're interested by emailing hello@minnemesh.org.
Do you have a meetup?
Not yet. But please email us if you are interested. We will start one once we have a few members.
Do you have physical network infrastructure?
We are currently focusing on software development, but we are interested in deploying physical infrastructure in the future.
Do I need to be technical to help?
Nope! We welcome anyone who wants to help. Please get in touch! We have ideas for community outreach, design, and more.